Babbling brook |
crook (rhyming slang)
by Alan Blakey |
Back blocks |
beyond suburbia |
Back door Bandit |
male homosexual |
Back hander |
to hit someone; a bribe |
Back of Bourke |
the middle of nowhere, or a remote area of Australia |
Back of beyond |
as far into the outback as you can get |
Bag |
a lady who is not particularly pleasant/attractive |
Bag of fruit |
suit (rhyming slang) |
Bag of strife |
wife (rhyming slang) |
Bagged someone |
criticised or put someone down |
Bags |
a way of asking to be next ie. Bags I go next! |
rough as Bags |
Someone unpleasant to look at |
Bail out |
leave |
Bail up |
hold up; rob; earbash |
Bald as a Bandicoot |
bald headed |
Ball bearing mousetrap |
ungelded male cat submitted
by Alan Blakey |
Ball and chain |
wife |
Ball tearer |
something great ie. We had a ball
tearer of a time! |
Balls up |
terrible mistake |
Banana bender |
someone who lives in Queensland, Australia |
Banana Republic |
Queensland - a state of Australia |
Bananas |
someone going crazy with anger |
like a Bandicoot on a burnt
ridge |
All alone |
Bangs |
fucks |
Banged up |
pregnant |
Bangs like a dunny door |
fucks alot |
Bang on |
dead right! |
won't have a Bar of him/her |
will have nothing to do with that person |
Bar flies |
people who frequent a bar or pub |
Barbie; Barby; BBQ (Barbeque) |
a cook out, many people get together for a 'Barbie' in the
warmer months |
Barcoo rot |
festering skin disease, something like tinia |
Barley! |
word used to call for a truce |
Barney |
a fight or scuffle |
Barrack |
to spur your team or sport on |
Barrack for |
voice support for a team |
give it a Bash |
give it a go; try something new |
Bashing your brains out |
studying or thinking hard |
Basket case |
someone on the edge of mental collapse |
Bastard |
illegitimate; mean; great person (usually male) eg.
G'day, you old bastard! (friendly greeting)
He's a mean bastard! (unpleasant; despicable)
He's as happy as a bastard on Father's Day! (depressed) |
Bathers |
swimming costume |
Battle axe |
wife or mother in law |
Battler |
someone that works hard for their money |
Bats |
crazy |
Beak |
your nose |
Beanie |
ski hat |
spearing the Bearded clam |
having sex |
Beating around the bush |
not getting to the point on a subject |
Beaut |
expression of approval or extremely good |
Beauty! |
exclamation of approval |
Beef bayonet |
penis |
Beef to the ankles |
very fat person |
Beer gut |
fat stomach on a man from drinking too much beer |
Bees knees |
the best or the greatest |
Beg yours? |
sorry, what did you say? |
give someone a Bell |
call someone on the phone |
Belly flop |
diving into water and hitting belly first OUCH! |
Belly full of bones |
Pregnant Submitted by K
Byrnes |
Belt up! |
shutup!; you are asked to stop talking or be quiet in an angry
way |
Bend the elbow |
drink alcohol  |
Berko |
angry in an unreasonable way; absolutely furious; totally crazy |
Best thing since sliced bread |
really good, excellent, fantastic, beyond
compare submitted by Stella |
Bet Your Boots on It! |
dead certainty |
Better half |
your wife |
Better than a poke in the eye with a blunt stick
(or a slap in the face with a wet fish!) |
things could be worse! |
keep your Bib on |
don't get overexcited |
stick your Bib in |
interfere where you're not wanted |
Bible Basher |
religious fanatic who doorknocks |
Bickie |
money eg. he earns big bickies |
Big Bickies |
large sum of money |
too Big for his Boots |
someone who is up himself, thinks they are
better than anyone else |
Big deal |
something serious, important or noteworthy; or
exclamation of scorn, cynicism or contempt eg. Oh Big Deal! |
Big girls blouse |
a wimpish male |
the Big Island |
what Tasmanians called Australia's
mainland |
Big note yourself |
to say you are better or more important than you are - this
doesn't go down well in Australia |
Big smoke |
the city |
town Bike |
woman of loose morals; female who would be ridden by anyone |
Billabong |
a waterhole |
sharp as a Billiard Ball |
unintelligent person |
Billy Lids |
kids (rhyming slang) |
used for making tea in, usually over a campfire |
put the Billy on |
put the kettle on; boil the jug for a cuppa |
Billy cart |
a go-kart of a kids construction |
Bindie-eye |
prickle; nettle found in the grass |
Bingle |
minor car accident |
Biscuit |
Australian version of the cookie |
Bit of alright! |
attractive, promising - ie. Wow she's a bit of
alright! |
Bit more choke and ya woulda started! |
said in jest to someone who has farted loudly |
a Bit rough |
unfair; unjust eg. God thats a bit rough! |
a Bit thick |
said of someone you think is stupid eg. he's a bit thick |
Bite your Bum! |
shutup! or get lost |
to put the Bite on someone |
ask someone for money - forcefully sometimes |
Bitser |
mongrel |
Black hole of Calcutta |
very dark - eg. its like the black hole of
Calcutta in here! |
Black stump |
 non existent place in the remote outback eg. beyond
the black stump |
Bleeder |
fellow; person; bloke |
Bleeding oath! |
expression of unqualified agreement - more polite version of
Bloody oath! |
even Blind Freddy could see that! |
what someone would say to you if they are telling you something
really obvious or well known |
Blimey! |
you are surprised by something |
Block |
your head |
do your Block |
loose your temper |
Bloke |
Australian male |
like a Bloke with boils on his
arse |
a bad tempered male |
your Bloods worth Bottling |
someone has done something great for you |
Bloody |
the great Australian adjective |
Bloody oath |
expression of unqualified agreement |
Bloody oath I do |
"yes!!" you really approve of what someone is saying |
it's a Bloody Brothel |
pigsty, very big mess submitted
by Kim Nesbitt |
Blotto |
totally blind drunk |
Blow through |
leave in a hurry |
on the Blower |
on the phone |
Blowies |

blow flies
Blow In |
stranger in town; newcomer |
Blow your dough |
spend all your money |
Bludge |
to do nothing at all; to borrow |
Bludger |
someone who fails to do anything at all they are asked (lazy);
or borrows things |
Blue |
nickname for a redhead; or a fight eg. me and the missus had a
blue |
Blue arsed fly |
running around getting nowhere - ie. I'm
running around like a blue arsed fly! |
Blue Heeler |
country policeman or policewoman |
Bluey |
summons issued by police; cattle dog; rolled up blanket
(as used by a swagman) |
Blunter than a nun's cunt |
extremely truthful to the point of rudeness |
Bob's your uncle |
you just understood something that at first you did not not
understand; or everything is great |
Bodgie |
bad work; inferior job done; cheap and nasty |
Bog |
toilet eg. off to the bog |
to Bog in |
pig out on food |
Bollicles |
testicles |
Bolted |
took off real quick; ran |
Bombers |
Parking officers |
point the Bone |
to point the finger - in Aboriginal culture
pointing the bone results in death |
Bonked! |
had sex, eg. I bonked a bonzer sheila last night! |
Bonzer |
excellent |
Boo Boo |
mistake, error |
Booby |
timorous, foolish person |
Boofhead |
fool; idiot |
Boogie Board |
half-sized surf board |
Boomer |
 kangaroo |
Boomerang |
a returning throwing instrument made by the
aboriginals but also something someone says when you borrow something
from them to remind you to return it |
put the Boot in |
kick someone |
Booze |
Alcohol, usually beer |
Booze Artist |
heavy drinker of alcohol |
Booze Bus |
Police van used for random breath testing for alcohol |
Boozer |
heavy drinker; local pub |
Booze up |
wild party with plenty of alcohol |
Bo-peep |
sly look at something |
Bore it up 'em! |
give them a thrashing (team sports) |
Bore the pants off someone |
bore them excessively |
Bosker |
excellent |
Boss cocky |
person in charge |
were you Born in a tent? |
said to someone who forgets to close doors
behind them |
Bot |
to borrow, especially cigarettes and liquor |
Bottler |
person, thing or event of outstanding merit |
Bottoms up |
drinking the whole glass of something all at once (usually beer) |
Box |
protective plastic pouch cricketers wear to
protect their private parts |
BoxaBirds |
box of birds, happy, chirpy, on top of the
world Submitted by Clive Halliday |
Boys in Blue |
policemen |
Brass |
money |
Brass monkey weather |
extremely cold eg. freeze the balls off a brass monkey |
Brass razoo |
brass farthing, ie. small amount of money |
Break it down! |
expression of disbelief |
Brekky |
breakfast |
Breather |
short rest |
Breeze |
easy task eg. that was a breeze |
Brickie |
a bricklayer |
Brickies cleavage |
top of the buttocks shown when males wear their shorts too low
ICK! |
Brick short of a load |
simple-minded |
up and down like a Brides
nightie |
emotional person or something that fluctuates
wildly |
mow the Brigalow suckers |
shave beard |
Bright spark |
cheerful, alert person |
Brothel |
besides the obvious it is also a term for an
untidy or dirty house or place |
would kill a Brown dog |
something completely inedible |
Brumby |
wild horse |
he's a Broken pack of Biscuits |
his life looks fine, but he's a mess on the inside |
Brown-eye |
to flash ones backside; mooning |
Buck |
dollar eg. it cost 20 bucks |
Buckley's chance |
no chance at all eg. you have 3 chances! Fuck all, buckleys and
none! |
Buffer |
elderly man |
Bugalugs |
a friendly endearment |
Bugger all |
doing nothing eg. doing bugger all |
Bugger me dead! |
extremely shocked at something |
Bugger off! |
go away! |
Buggered |
very tired, exhausted, extremely weary submitted
by John Silby |
go to Buggery |
keep your nose out (said in a nasty way) |
Bugle |
nose |
on the Bugle |
on the nose, smelly submitted
by Anon. |
Bugs bunny |
money (rhyming slang) |
Built like a brick shithouse |
a very tall, broad, well muscled person |
Built like the side of a house |
large, obese person |
Bull; Bulldust |
nonsense, rubbish |
like a Bull at a gate |
impatient person |
Bulldust artist |
a person who exaggerates or talks total nonsense |
Bullshit |
a lie |
Bullshit artist |
a liar |
Bullamakanka |
imaginary place in the outback, beyond any where |
Bully for you! |
derisive exclamation |
Bum |
backside; arse; freckle; butt; someone down on their luck and
living on the street |
Bum biter |
Someone from New South Wales Submitted
by Neil Johnson |
Bummer |
disappointing event |
Bum nuts |
eggs |
Bum's rush |
Feeling unwelcome or having someone in a hurry
to get rid of you - eg. to be given the bum's rush Submitted
by Frank Pacey |
Bun in the oven |
pregnant |
drop your Bundle |
lose control of your emotions or senses |
Bundy |
Bundaberg Rum (alcoholic drink - Bundy and Coke YUM!) |
Bung |
to put (bung another snag on the barbie mate!); broken or
damaged |
Bunghole |
your mouth |
Bunyip |
mythical spirit creature from outback |
Burke and wills |
dills (rhyming slang) - one dill (or idiot) is
just know as a Burke |
Burl |
a try; eg. give it a burl - give it a try |
Burr up |
get angry |
Bush |
somewhere in the country or away from the city |
Bushed |
totally exhausted |
Bushbash |
go off road in a vehicle; forcing your way through untouched
bush |
Bush lawyer |
someone who gives out unqualified legal advice |
Bush pig |
ugly woman |
Bush rangers |
people that charge exhorbitant costs, ie.
laywers |
Bush telegraph |
the town gossip network |
Bush week |
exclamation of derision ie. what do you think
this is? bush week? meaning you aren't fooled by what they are saying |
Bush whacker |
someone from the bush |
Busier than a one armed Sydney cab driver with
the crabs |
extremely busy |
Busier than a one-armed bill poster in a gale |
extremely busy |
as Busy as a one-legged bloke in an arse-kicking
competition |
nothing to do; not busy at all |
Butcher |
100 ml beer in South Australia |
Butchers hook |
look (rhyming slang) |
Butter wouldn't melt in his
mouth |
watch out for the lies - a smooth
talker |
By jingos! |
exclamation of wonder |
bring your own |
bring your own everything |
bring your own grog |