Sack |
bed eg. gotta hit the sack |
Sacked |
fired from work |
Saltie |
saltwater crocodile |
Australian Salute |
swatting flies |
Sandgroper |
someone who lives in Western
Australia (very sandy state) |
Sandshoes |
joggers; sneakers; trainers |
short of a picnic |
short on brains |
Sanger |
sandwich |
Scab |
abusive term for non-union worker |
Scallops |
fried potato cakes (Queensland and
Canberra) |
Scarce as
hen's teeth |
extremely rare |
Scarce as
rocking horse shit |
something very rare |
Schnozz |
nose |
School |
group of drinkers, each of whom
buys a round |
Schooner |
large beer glass (New South Wales
and South Australia) |
Scone |
head |
Scorcher |
swelteringly hot day |
Scrounge |
to get something for free |
Scrubber |
you're of poor quality and don't
keep yourself clean |
well |
dressed up better than usual |
Scungy |
dirty; unattractive; very small
portion |
me! |
I have no idea |
tank |
yank (rhyming slang);
an American |
Servo |
service station for cars |
alarm clock |
kookaburra |
Shack |
simple dwelling; house |
Shag |
fuck |
pony |
going some where by foot |
Shark |
used car salesman |
biscuit |
new surfers |
be right!; Shell be apples |
this means everything will be fine |
Sheila |
female |
Shellacking |
complete defeat |
Shirty |
upset or angry |
Shivoo |
rowdy party |
Shonky |
unreliable; a very suspect deal |
through |
leave |
through like a bondi tram |
leave very quickly
submitted by Roy Austin |
Short and
curlies |
pubic hair (when someone states
theyve got you by the short and curlies - you're in a bad or very uncomfortable
position |
arms long pockets |
someone will not part with is
money |
through like a Bondi tram |
departed hastily |
Shout |
buying alcohol for the members of
your group at a pub Australians usually take it in turns to buy a round |
off! |
get lost! |
Shout in a shark attack |
wont take a turn buying the
drinks in a bar; will not shout his round |
Show you
the ropes |
show you how to do a job |
Shuteye |
sleep |
Sickie |
taking time off work , with the
reason of sickness, but you are well, and just going fishing or something you do in good
health |
Season |
Christmas holiday's |
Singlet |
under shirt or tanktop |
Sink a
few |
have several beers |
Sit on a
beer |
take a long time to drink a beer |
Six pack
short of a case |
short on brains |
Skate |
miser; someone will not spend
money |
Skedaddle |
leave; flee |
Skewhiff |
askew; muddled |
Skite |
person that boasts or brags about
their personal accomplishments |
Sky pilot |
clergyman |
Slab |
pack of 24 cans of beer |
Slacker |
lazy, irresponsible person |
going for
a Slash |
a man is going to urinate |
Slippery-dip |
kids slide |
Slog |
hard work |
joe |
a fleecy sweater |
Slow as a
wet weekend |
tediously slow and boring |
Slug |
penis submitted
by Skiddy |
Slugo's |
mens bather's (speedo's) |
Smashed |
drunk |
Smoko |
morning tea; smoke break (smoking
is banned from most places in Australia) |
Snag |
sausage (chuck another snag on the
barbie!); Sensitive New Age Guy; hidden problem |
short of a barby |
short on brains |
than a Snake's armpit |
someone very underhanded |
gully |
any rustic outpost |
Snakey |
upset; cranky |
log |
crocodile |
Snuff it |
expire |
your a
big Sook! |
your are very sensitive, and upset
over nothing |
strainer |
moustache |
can't turn a Sow's ear into a Silk purse |
you can't make
ugly beautiful |
call a
Spade a Spade |
telling something like it really
is |
Sparky |
electrician |
Speedo's |
swimming constume |
Spewing |
vomiting; throwing a tantrum
because something didn't go your way |
Spieler |
conman; smooth talker |
Spinebashing |
sleeping |
Spit the
dummy |
lose your temper |
chips |
enraged |
Sponger |
someone who borrows constantly |
Sport |
someone who is good about losing |
up the
Spout |
pregnant |
Sprung! |
caught doing something you
shouldnt be doing! |
Spud |
potato |
Spun out |
surprised and amazed |
Spunky |
someone is sexy; good looking;
attractive in some way |
off |
get ready for a fight |
Square up |
apologise or make good |
Squatter |
someone who lives on land or in a
house with out permission |
Squib out |
you are backing out of something;
chickening out |
have a
Squiz at |
have a look at |
Stacked |
large breasted women |
Starkers |
naked |
Steak and
kidney |
Sydney (rhyming slang) |
Stick in
the mud |
name for someone is stopping you
from doing something you want to |
Stickers |
mens bather's |
Stick your bib in |
someone who cant mind their
own business; nosy |
kicking |
alive (barely) |
Stinger |
Box Jellyfish |
Stinker |
boiling hot day |
Stirrer |
someone who causes trouble |
Stoked |
happy, excited,
elated, overjoyed submitted by Hoppy |
Stone the
crows! |
shocked exclamation |
broke |
penniless |
Stormstick |
umbrella |
for cash |
short of money |
Strewth! |
shock at something |
Strides |
trousers |
Stroppy |
someone in a bad mood, and being
difficult |
stubbie |
small bottle of beer; a pair of
mens shorts |
around |
someone is staying somewhere
(hanging around) |
give a Stuff |
don't care |
Stuffed |
very tired |
pull up
Stumps |
move home; change address |
Suck it
and See |
going to try do something that you
think is going to be trouble but may not be |
Suss |
suspicious |
Suss it
out |
check something out |
Swag |
canvas bag or cover that you keep
all your belongings and bedroll in to protect it from the weather when camping out |
you look
pretty Swank |
dressed expensively; or very
stylishly |
no Sweat |
no worries |
Fanny Adams |
zilch; none; nothing |