Ta |
thanks |
Talk the
leg off an iron pot |
someone with the gift of the gab
(someone who talks alot) |
Tallie |
750ml large bottle of beer |
map |
females pubic area (resembles the
state of Tasmania) |
Taswegain |
someone who lives in the state of
Tasmania |
Tea |
evening meal |
Tee up |
organise or arrange something |
Telly |
looking up at the stars |
Ten ounce
sandwich |
lunch of beer only |
Thick as
a brick/thick as the dust on a public servants out tray |
stupid; dull; slow-witted |
Thingamajig; Thingamabob |
something you don't know the name
of is a thingo |
Thongs |
sandals made from rubber |
Thugby |
southerners term for Rugby League
Football |
five |
$50 note - if
you've ever been skiing at Thredbo you'll have noticed that everything
is ten times it's normal price |
Thunder box |
toilet |
hang on a Tick |
wait a short moment |
Ticker |
heart |
he's got Tickets
on himself |
he thinks hes the greatest,
highly self opinionated |
the till |
rob; pilfer |
Tides gone out |
your glass is not full |
Tight wad |
you don't want to part with your
money |
Tightarse; Tight
as a fish' arse |
someone who will not part with his
money or shout a drink in a pub |
Til the
cows come home |
a very long time |
Tinnie |
can of cold beer; aluminum boat |
crack a Tinnie |
open a can of cold beer |
couple of Tinnies
short of a slab |
short of brains |
Tizz |
state of confused excitement |
Toey |
someone who is very nervous or
sexually frustrated |
Too right! |
something is absolutely right |
Top-ender |
someone who lives in the Northern
Territory |
make Tracks |
you want to get going somewhere |
Troppo |
crazy; insane |
and strife |
Wife - rhyming
Submitted by K Byrnes |
True blue |
genuine; fair dinkum Australian
item or person |
Tucker |
food |
Tuckerbag |
a bag for storing food in the bush |
Tuckshop |
Aussie schools call a canteen;
cafateria; eatery |
dingo |
become an informer |
Turn it up! |
stop what your say or doing as its
not right |
going Twenty to
the dozen |
moving or doing something very
fast, or to fast |
Two pot
screamer   |
one who becomes quickly
intoxicated |
shakes of a lamb's/dog's tail |
soon; short time |
Two-up |
traditional Australian heads or
tails gambling game with two coins played on Anzac day only |