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I've been Had you've been tricked; conned
Haggle talk the price down
Hair of the dog
Blue Heeler
first alcoholic drink the morning after a very heavy night on the grog
put Hairs on ya chest eat this or drink this it’ll make you strong
Half your luck! congratulation in a envious way
Handles like a dog on lone handles very badly
Hang on a tick wait a minute
Hang out spending time out with friends generally doing nothing
Happy as a bastard on father's day unhappy, depressed
Happy as a pig in shit very happy
Happy as larry extremely over joyed
Hardcase someone with closed mind
Head like a mini with the doors open big protruding ears
Head like a robbers dog very ugly
Heart starter first alcoholic drink of the day)
Heave Ho get rid of something
Hit the Hay; Hit the sack go to bed to sleep
Hit the tow take off; leave submitted by John Bailey
Hit your kick open your wallet
Hols going on holidays; vacation
Holy-dooly an expression of surprise
Hoon show-off with limited intelligence; lout
Hoo-roo goodbye
Hot under the collar angry
Howzat? asking someone how something is
Howzit goin mate? how are you doing?
submitted by AP Alderson
Humdinger excellent! eg. thats a real humdinger!
Humping carrying something heavy; fucking
HumpyHumpy bush dwelling of cheap construction
Hungry as a black dog starving
I'm so Hungry I could eat a Horse and chase the jockey starving


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