Cack |
laugh |
Cack-handed |
left-handed |
Cackle berries |
chickens eggs - the chicken is
called a cackler submitted by Dottle |
Cactus |
dead eg. its cactus |
Cakehole |
your mouth |
Call a spade a spade |
telling the complete truth no matter how hard it is to take |
Camp as a row of tents |
submitted by David Lammin |
Camp oven |
large cast iron pot used for cooking on an open fire |
Can |
gaol (jail) |
Can it! |
tell someone to stop it or shut up |
Captain Cook |
a look (rhyming slang) |
Cark it |
to die |
C'arn |
abbreviation for come on eg. c'arn the Raiders! |
Carpetbagger Steak |
beef stuffed with oysters |
Carpet grub |
small child |
Carry on like a pork chop |
behave in a stupid way |
Cashing in on the act |
taking advantage or making the most of the
situation submitted by Stella |
Catch some zzz's |
have a sleep |
Charge like a wounded bull |
excessively high prices |
Chalkie |
teacher |
a Change is as good as a holiday |
a break in normal routine can be as good as having a full
holiday |
Cheap drunk |
a person that gets intoxicated quickly |
Cheap skate |
miser |
Cheeky |
someone who is having fun with you and teasing you in a fun way |
Cheerio |
goodbye |
Cheese and kisses |
missus (rhyming slang) |
Chewy on yer boot |
I hope your accuracy is faulty ~ The scene is the MCG
after the siren has gone and the opposition which has just taken a mark has a chance to
kick a goal and win the match. Their champion fullforward has taken a mark only 20 yards
out from goal, right in front. It seems hopeless. What can a keen barracker do? Pray that
they will step on a gob of chewing gum - or in some other way fail to complete a simple
kick! (Full explanation care of Patricia Rogers) |
Chew the fat |
have a good talk together |
Chinwag |
a chat or gossip |
Chippy |
carpenter |
Chockablock/Chockers |
filled to capacity |
Choof off |
leave |
Chook |
a chicken, rooster or hen |
may your Chooks turn into emus and kick your
shithouse down |
something you say to someone you're really pissed off with
(angry with) |
Choppers |
teeth |
Chrissie |
christmas |
Christmas grip |
someone has hold of your testicles |
Chuck |
throw something; vomit |
Chuck a wobbly |
throw a tantrum |
Chuck up |
throw up; vomit |
Chunder |
vomit |
Clackers |
false teeth |
Clanger |
a really big lie, a shock |
Claytons |
a fake taken from the drink called claytons - the drink
your having while your not having a drink - non-alcoholic beverage |
Cleanskin |
unbranded cattle |
Climb the wall |
go mad |
Clobber |
clothes; or to hit someone eg. he clobbered the bloke! |
Clod hoppers |
your feet or shoes |
Clued up |
well informed |
Cluey |
bright, intelligent |
Cobber |
mate, friend |
Cock and bull |
a lie (cock and bull story) |
Cockie; Cocky |
 cockatoo; cockroach; farmer; cheeky; full of
him/herself |
Cock jocks |
men's swimmers or bathers |
Cockroach |
someone who lives in NSW, Australia |
Cock up |
something didn't go right |
Cods |
male testicles |
Coddswallop |
a lot nonsense or a lie |
Coffin Nail |
cigarette |
Coin |
money |
Cold enough to freeze the
balls off a brass monkey |
freezing cold |
Colder than a polar bear's behind |
extremely cold |
Coldie |
cold can of beer |
Collywobbles |
feeling of apprehension |
Come a cropper |
fall heavily; have a setback |
Come in spinner |
called in the Aussie two-up coin tossing game (played on Anzac
day each year) |
Comic Cuts |
stomach or guts (rhyming slang) |
Compo |
compensation (worker's compensation) |
Conk |
to hit someone |
Cooee |
call for greeting someone at a distance in the bush |
Cook the books |
falsify records |
Coot |
fellow (derogatory) |
Cop; Copper |
policeman |
Cop it sweet |
to take what's coming to you without trying to get back at them |
Corroboree |
aboriginal festival dance |
Cossie |
swimming costume |
Cot case |
bed-ridden person; nut case; crazy person |
Couch potato |
person who watches too much tv |
Couldn't organise arseholes in
a shit factory |
Very disorganised submitted
by Dottle |
Couldn't get a kick in a stampede |
said of poorly performing football player |
Couldn't knock the skin off a rice pudding |
physically weak; ineffectual |
Couldn't organise a piss-up in a brewery |
incompetent; stupid |
Couldn't run a chook raffle in a country pub |
incompetent; stupid |
Couldn't tell his ass from a hole in the ground |
stupid; confused |
Cow-tow |
bow and scrape to someone |
Cozzie |
swimming costume |
Crack a fat |
to get an erection
submitted by freezie and sinfi |
Crack a tinnie |
open a cold can of beer |
Crack onto |
to make a pass at; chat up |
Cranky |
bad- or short-tempered |
Crap |
bullshit eg. thats a load of crap |
Crapper |
toilet |
Crash hot |
first-rate |
Crawler |
sycophant |
Creamed |
won by a long way eg. we creamed the other team; or to cum eg.
he creamed himself |
Crikey! |
surprised at something |
Cripes! |
exclamation |
Croak |
to die |
Crockery |
teeth; dinner set |
Crook |
ill; criminal |
things are Crook in Muswellbrook |
things are going badly |
Croweater |
someone who lives in South Australia |
Cruddy |
something of low quality |
Crumpet |
gorgeous female |
Cunning as a shithouse rat |
as sly as a fox - very cunning |
Cuppa |
cup of tea or coffee |
Curly |
nickname for a bald person |
give someone a bit of Curry |
to give them a hard time on an issue |
Cushy |
to have it easy eg. cushy job |
mad as a Cut snake |
extremely angry |
Cut lunch and a six pack |
sandwiches and six beers |
need to take a six pack and Cut lunch |
long trip |