Galah |
loud, rudely behaved person; bird |
Game |
Brave eg. your Game! |
your Game? |
what are you up to? you suspect
something underhanded is happening |
Game as
Ned Kelly |
daring; brave |
have a Gander |
have a look |
Garbo |
Garbage collector |
Bang |
Sex Orgy
Submitted by Luke Jackson |
Garbologist |
someone specialising in rubbish
removal |
Gasbag |
someone who talks all the time |
Gday |
standard Australian greeting (same
as hello or hi) means GoodDay to you - G'day is NOT a farewell |
Get into the Grub |
start eating food |
Get off the
Grass!! |
do you think I'm stupid or
gullible!! |
Get on
your goat |
irritate; annoy |
Get your
dander up |
to become angry |
up your nose |
something that
pisses you off or annoys you |
Gibber |
a large rock or a desert |
like an old Gin at
a Christening |
slow, sluggish person
submitted by Roy Austin |
Gink |
silly person |
Give it away |
give up on something eg. for Gods
sake, give it away! |
Go crook |
lose your temper; tell someone off
for doing something wrong |
Go off
half cocked |
do something unprepared |
Go the
Grope |
attempt to fondle a person of the
opposite sex (usually done by a male) submitted by Lance
Austin |
Go the
Growl |
to have oral sex with a female submitted
by Ron |
walkabout |
to go missing (usually not in the
worrying way) |
Goanna |
Piano (rhyming slang) |
Gob |
mouth |
God darn! |
surprise at something |
Goer |
something that works well |
it's a Goer |
something that will definitely
occur |
Going like hot
cakes |
something selling or given away
very fast |
Gone round the
bend |
gone crazy or mental |
Gone to the dogs |
something or someplace, is no
longer any good |
Good as Gold! |
something is great |
Good oh |
okay |
Good on ya Mate! |
you are happy with what they are
doing |
the Good oil on it |
is to tell the truth on something |
full as a Goog |
drunk or eaten to the excess |
Goose |
Someone that is not too smart,
silly |
a face like a dropped pie |
Ugly Submitted
by Martin Collins |
a face like a smacked arse |
Ugly Submitted
by Martin Collins |
Grazier |
sheep or cattle farmer (usually in
a big way) |
Greaser |
flatterer, sycophant |
Australian salute |
swatting flies away |
Green around the
Gills |
your are feeling queezy or sick |
Gregory peck |
neck (rhyming slang) |
Grid |
a cattle grate over a road |
Grizzle |
complain |
Grog |
alcohol |
Grot |
very dirty or untidy person |
Grouse |
great; terrific |
Grub |
food; dirty eater or dirty child |
Gumsucker |
someone who lives in the state of
Victoria |
he's a Gun |
he's the best at something |
Gunna |
Going to Submitted
by Martin Collins |
down the Gurgler |
down the plug hole; something has
failed |
spill your Guts |
confess to something |
Gutzer |
to fall over and hurt yourself;
plan that does not work out eg. you come a gutzer |
Gympy leg |
damaged leg |
that's Grouse |
it is very good |