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Lady blamey a beer glass made from the bottom half of a beer bottle
Lady muck a woman who puts on airs of a grand lady, usually badly (stuck up)
Lag inform; dob; turn someone in for doing something wrong
Lame-brained stupid
Lamingtons sponge cakes coated in chocolate and coconut grated(genuine Aussie cake) YUMMO!!!!!!
SharkLand shark land speculator
Lashing out going on a spending spree
Laugh at the lawn vomit outside
Laughing gear your mouth
Larrikin lout
Lav outdoor tiolet
Leading you up the garden path someone is try to deceive you
take a Leak go to the tiolet
Lemon faulty; broken; bad; useless; lesbian
Lift Elevator (not slang)
Lights are on but there's noone home not very smart
Like a lily on a dustbin lonely; neglected
Like a shag on a rock forlorn; lonely; out of place
Like a  two-bob watch act in an erratic, crazy manner (two bob is worth around 20 cents)
Like billyo energetically; with gusto
Like the clappers very fast
Little beaut; Little ripper person or thing of excellence
Lippie lipstick
Liquid amber BeerBeer
Lob visit someone unannounced
Loaded drunk
local-yokel well-known resident
use your Loaf use your head; think about it
Lollies candy
do your Lolly lose your temper
Lollywater soft drink
Looney bin psychiatric hospital
as Long as a month of Sundays a very long time
Long drink of water someone who is tall
how Long is a piece of string? said when a timeline isn’t possible to give when asked
Long neck large (tall) bottle of beer
Lousy rotten; mean; wretched
Lugs ears
g’day Luv substitute for a womans name in a friendly greeting (used to meet new females sometimes)


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