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Racing off sex with someone else's wife or husband
Rack off get lost!
Rack off get out!
Rafferty's Rules every thing is a mess and mixed up, done all wrong, with no rules at all
NewspapersRag newspaper; whore; a women who sleeps around
Raining cats'n'dogs heavy storm
Rapt overjoyed
Rare as rocking horse shit extremely rare
like a Rat up a drain pipe move very quickly
submitted by Paul Willee
Ratbag not a nice person
don't give a Rat's arse don't care
Reckon you are right believe; think you're right
Rellies relative
Ridgy didge authentic; true; genuine
Righto okay; not a problem; fine
Ring anus; call on phone
Ring in replacement for the real thing; imposter
Ringer fast sheep shearer
Rip snorter great!
smells Ripe smells off or bad
Ripped off been cheated
Ripper great
Ripsnorter really great
Road train multi-trailered semi truck – longest in the world!
doing a Roaring trade doing a lot of business
not enough Room to swing a cat very small place
Root sex
Rooted very tired; fucked
Ropable very angry
wouldn't it Rot your socks! expression of disgust
Rough end of the pineapple unfair deal; bad deal; bad end to something
RS lousy (ratshit)
Rubber eraser; condom
Rug Rat baby that can crawl; small child
Rug up dress warmly
Run a muck enjoying yourself in a foolish manner, quite often at the expense of others with reckless abandon Submitted by Mario Metropolis
Run around in the shower to get wet very thin
Run around like a chook with its head cut off rushing about to no great effect


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