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x it out cross it out; erase it
Yabber talk excessively and unintelligibly
Yabbie freshwater Australian crayfish
Yacking talking a lot
Yahoo uncouth lout; loudmouthed person who is out of control in some way
Yakka physical labour
hard Yakka hard work
Yank American
Yapping talking none stop
Yarn Someone telling a fictional story
tell you a Yarn tell a story that maybe true or it might not be, that's for them to work out
Yobbo same as a yahoo but no values at all, looks like a slob always
Yonks a long period of time
You're not wrong! total agreement
Zack was a sixpence which is now five cents
Zebra crossing painted lines on a road for a pedestrain crossing
Zits acne
Zonked really tired; paralytic; drunk
catch some ZZZ's sleep


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